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August 28, 2022: Prayer for a Spirit of Holiness

It is critical to get closer to God, especially in the times we are living right now! A spirit of temptation is hitting the Church and enticing us to pull away from holiness and to buy into living a worldly life. It is lulling us to sleep and compromising what we have stood upon and claimed as the Truth! Now is not the time to let down standards that draw a line of separation in the sand! Spiritual backsliding is occurring. Holiness from the inside and out is diminishing more each day. We must hold fast to the Word of God and live holy like never before! Pray for the resurrection of a spirit of holiness for all Church leaders and saints of God.


  • The Church holds fast to the Truth and remains faithful.
  • The Church endures hard suffering and remains faithful to Jesus! Pray that we hold tightly to His promise of salvation, look, and anticipate His return and continue living a godly life.
  • We dig into God’s Word and obey it like never before. (James 1:21-24)
  • A spirit of prayer to increase in His people.
  • Our homes become a place where His Spirit sweeps through.
  • Our churches and classrooms become a house of prayer.
  • We continue praying and being refreshed in the Holy Ghost daily.
  • That the Church commits itself to the Lord in every way. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
  • That we submit our bodies, thoughts, and lifestyles to Jesus daily.
  • We live holy like never before, as Jesus is holy!
For more info on prayer visit: World Network of Prayer